In the summer semester 2011, Dani (co-director of Formologix) will teach an elective course “Graphic Tooling and Information Visualizing” at Department of Architecture, Pelita Harapan University. The course is an intensive workshop (6 weeks; @2 days a week) during summer, May to July 2011.
In this , the students will learn and exercise the advanced use of raster and vector graphic software in diagramming and making a refined 2d graphic presentation. The students will also learn how to integrate or exchange drawings/images created in various 2D graphic and 3d modelling softwares.
At the end of the summer semester, the final output of the course will be exhibited to public at Pelita Harapan University. Time and place of the exhibition will be announced in the first week of July 2011.
You can visit the course by clicking this link