Anata Rupa was a collaborative installation project initiated by Anneke Prasyanti (Bhumi Aras Hospitality+Design), Virobuild and Dani Hermawan (Formologix) for Bintaro Design District 2019 that held a theme “Inclusivity”. Regarding to BDD’s theme, we were interpreting that the inclusivity should be addressed for public realm especially targeted for the young citizen: children. Departing from that interpretation, our vision is to create design feature that intensify young citizen activities to experience shared public space through kid-friendly public installation: Anata Rupa.
Named in Sankrit language, Anata (meaning: respectfully saluted, colourful, variation) and Rupa (meaning: shape, form), Anata Rupa tried to re-introduce the local wisdom to crafted object -the woven surface- and colour which applied into a non-Euclidean geometry that expected to be very attractive, dynamic and playful for kid.
Anata Rupa installation built in rounded non-Euclidean form (5-meter diameter), weaved by modern technology fibre material, the Ecofaux, produced by ViroBuild and colours that represent some dominant colours occur in Batak, Bajo and Sumba Tribe. In addition the weaving technique that applied is belong to Lombok woven typology.
Thank you to Mr. Handoko Hendroyono from Kebun Ide Community who was supporting the initiation and allowing this installation to be exposed in Kebun Ide, Bintaro during Bintaro Design District 2019 until now.
Anneke Prasyanti | Bhumi Aras Hospitality+Design
Dani Hermawan | Formologix
Handoko Hendroyono | Kebun Ide
ViroBuild Team
Andra Matin
Budi Pradono
Hermawan Tanzil
Danny Wicaksono
Ecofaux by ViroBuild
Alumininium Frame